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San Miguel, Bijagua, Costa Rica | Reservations USA & Elsewhere (English & Spanish (WhatsApp Only) +506.2466.6393 Reception Costa Rica (Spanish Only) +506.7225.6298

Bird Watching

Bird Watching  – On Site –

La Carolina Lodge is a birdwatcher’s paradise. Watch in the comfort of the expansive porch as toucans, aracaris, Montezuma Oropendola, parrots and numerous others feed on the bananas and papaya. Trogons, ant birds, manakins plus many more make this a “Pure Costa Rica” daily event.

We recommend download ebird and share your observations on our hotspot or you can check our birds list made by our visitors and guides.

Bring: Hiking boots (or rubber boots), long pants, camera, sunscreen, hat and walking stick. (Walking sticks and rubber boots are available in the stable)

Duration: Half or Full Day.

Our Specialized Guide in:

La Carolina Lodge and Bijagua area: Jorge Soto 

Caño Negro and Rio Frio area: Chambita Romero

Cost: Ask price at [email protected]

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