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San Miguel, Bijagua, Costa Rica | Reservations USA & Elsewhere (English & Spanish (WhatsApp Only) +506.2466.6393 Reception Costa Rica (Spanish Only) +506.7225.6298

Experience Direct Contact with Nature

Hosting a yoga retreat at La Carolina Lodge is the best way to make my students dive deep into the Costa Rican jungle while also introducing them to the beautiful and generous hospitality of ticos. The yoga platform is located just by the river, every morning during practice we experience direct contact with nature trough our eyes, noses and ears: there’s no better way to unwind from the frenetic life we lead back home. I also particularly like the fact that nearly all products we eat come from the grounds of the Lodge and that there is almost no electricity used. Slowing down the pace becomes natural and is supported by the smiles of the outstanding kind staff. Yoga is union, at La Carolina Lodge it is union with nature but also with respectful and peaceful humans. I can’t wait to be back!

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